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Please refer pages 4, 9,10 and 11 from this document. Please check this link: So it looks like the computer came with a standard backlit keyboard but does not have the necessary hardware to change its backlight color. I did some research and managed to pull up the service manual for this computer. It has been an absolute privilege to have worked with you and to share this platform. Trust me I've done all I can to help you here. You've shown uncanny skills and profound technical expertise to resolve it. It is fabulous to have worked with you and to share this platform with you. It has been an absolute privilege to have shared this platform with you and to work with you. You've displayed infinite patience, fabulous skills coupled with an indefatigable spirit to resolve the issue. Just select your preference on the left side of this page and copy-paste the code below! sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/clevo-xsm-wmi.Hi the post comprehensively. You can also set the keyboard brightness. Other colours you can set: green, red, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan.
You can choose 'white white white', for example. Let's set a default colour! This default colour is set on startup. The clevo-xsm-wmi application is installed now. Ignore the errors after "make & sudo make install". Sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/nf <<< clevo-xsm-wmi
Sudo install -m644 clevo-xsm-wmi.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra Open a Terminal window again (CTRL+ALT+T), execute the following code.
– ‘Clevo P870DM’, if you have RGB keyboard with bar light at the front of the laptop. – ‘Clevo P95_HP’, if you have RGB keyboard only without bar light at the front of the laptop. Is your laptop model not in the list? Then replace one by your laptop model! Replace: Scroll all the way up and your laptop model (product name) is mentioned there. If you don’t know your laptop model, open a Terminal window (CTRL+ALT+T) and execute: sudo dmidecode | grep "Product Name" There is a file listed here, it’s called ‘ clevo-xsm-wmi.c‘. Once the repository finished downloading, extract the package, rename the package to ‘ rgbcontrol‘ (without quotes) and go into the folder rgbcontrol/module.